
Saturday, September 28, 2013

DIY Summer Rag Wreath

Today I have a fun summer craft for you, a rag wreath. This is the first rag wreath I have ever made, and it was pretty fun. I admit cutting the strips of fabric was tedious because there were soooo many, but still easy, especially if you have a rotary cutter. Assembling the wreath was actually kind of relaxing. I did it while watching a movie with the hubby one evening. Overall this is a great craft, relatively inexpensive, and easy. What more could you ask for!

Here’s What you need:

*Wire wreath form

* 4-6 Prints of fabric 1/4 yard each

*Scissors or a rotary cutter and mat


Step 1: Cut the fabric- Cut strips of fabric 1.5″ wide by the length of your fabric, then cut each long strip into 4-5″ lengths. You should end up with a LOT of little strips!

Step 2: Tie your Strips- One by one tie each strip of fabric on your wreath form. I put all my strips in piles and organized them so I would have an even pattern throughout. I also started tying on the outer ring, but I think it may be a little easier to start on the inner most ring. Keep tying strips and squish them close together as you go so you’ll have a full wreath. The more strips you tie, the fuller the wreath. Continue on until you are happy with the fullness.

Step 3: Hang and Enjoy!

This craft is super easy! The only thing it really takes is time, but it is totally worth it! I love this little summer wreath and the bright fabric I used makes me smile. You could use any combination of patterns and colors, and make your own one of a kind decoration for your front door. The possibilities are endless. I added a mini bunting to mine since Independence Day is coming up tomorrow. I really enjoyed making this wreath, and I am sure I’ll be making more in the future! Hope you all enjoy!

Happy Crafting!

This DIY Summer Wreath Tutorial comes from:

Friday, September 27, 2013

Fabric Scrap Wreath

Ladies and gentleman, introducing The Colorful Scrap Wreath. 

I found a wire wreath frame (it looks like this, with 4 concentric, slightly raised wire circles) at Joann’s and it jumped into my shopping bag because a) I’d never seen a non straw/grapevine/styrofoam one before and b) it was $2 or so. 

Here’s how to make the wreath: cut your fabric scraps into pieces about 1- 1 1/2″ wide by 5″ long. Tie them around the form. 

Repeat 200+ times. Trim the scrap ends and fluff up the wreath as desired. Sew adornments on to front of wreath (I happen to have a bag of crochet swatches from a big project I was working on, so I used some of them.

Bows, flowers, birdies, and rickrack would also suffice). If I had it to do again, I might try to stick to all green scraps, but it’s fun to look at all those fabrics from my scrap bin….

Riddles fоr Kids: Halloween

Q: Whаt wеrе thе trick-or-treaters dоіng аt thе gas station?
A: Pumpkin gas!

Q: Whу dо mummies gо tо thе beauty salon?
A: Tо hаvе thеіr hair died!

Q: Whаt dо dogs dress uр аѕ оn Halloween?
A: Were-woofs!

Q: Whаt dо mummies eat fоr dinner еvеrу night?
A: Ghoul-lash!

Q: Whу аrе mummies ѕо self-centered?
A: Bесаuѕе thеу tend tо gеt wrapped uр іn themselves!

Q: Whу аrе books аbоut cemeteries ѕо boring?
A: Thеу hаvе weak plots!

Q: Whаt dо spiders eat аt barbecues?
A: Corn оn thе cobweb!

Q: Whу dо ghosts mаkе good cheerleaders?
A: Bесаuѕе thеу hаvе а lot оf spirit!

Q: Hоw dоеѕ а girl vampire flirt wіth а boy vampire?
A: Shе bats hеr eyelashes аt him!

Q: Whу dіd thе witch’s broom hаvе ѕuсh а bad fіrѕt day аt work?
A: It couldn’t gеt а handle оn things!

Halloween Party Supplies!